Srinagar records lowest temperature of season, attracts tourists to experience 'Chillai Kalan'

By ANI | Published: January 5, 2023 05:29 PM2023-01-05T17:29:22+5:302023-01-05T23:00:13+5:30

As a cold wave in the north makes the upper half of the country shiver, Srinagar recorded the lowest ...

Srinagar records lowest temperature of season, attracts tourists to experience 'Chillai Kalan' | Srinagar records lowest temperature of season, attracts tourists to experience 'Chillai Kalan'

Srinagar records lowest temperature of season, attracts tourists to experience 'Chillai Kalan'

As a cold wave in the north makes the upper half of the country shiver, Srinagar recorded the lowest temperature of the season at -6.4 degrees (Celsius) on Thursday. With the onset of 'Chillai Kalan', tourists have found the perfect time to visit Srinagar to witness the mesmerising beauty of snow and the mountains in the valley.

Locally known as 'Chillai Kalan' in Kashmir, this 40-day winter spell attracts dozens of tourists every year. It begins on December 21 and stays till January 31, often described as the harshest cold in the region.

Harsh winters result in the freezing of the Dal lake and also gives a perfect opportunity to the tourists who specifically wish to witness the snow. The tourists in the Kashmir valley are seen enjoying the view and embracing the cold weather in front of the Dal lake which is partially frozen. One of the tourists said, "We are enjoying ourselves a lot. The mountains in the valley are stunning. There is snow everywhere. This is the first time I am looking at snow."

Post the 'Chillai Kalan', the 'Chillai Khurd' begins which literally translates to 'small cold' where the temperature rises on the mercury spreading across a span of 20 days from January 31 to February 19. And then, at last, the 'Chillai Bachha' means 'baby cold' from February 20 to March 2.

Many tourists can be seen trying to break the ice as they discover the frozen Dal lake and enjoy the serenity. Another tourist reiterated his experience in the cold weather of Srinagar saying, "I am really loving this. This is the first I am witnessing such scenic beauty. I visited Gulmarg, Pahalgam and a few other places and I can assure you, I have never seen such beauty in my life. The mountains, shikaras, snow, everything is magnificent. I am in love with this place."

( With inputs from ANI )

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