
Adg Kumar, News

Adg kumar, Latest News

Abhayanand is an IPS officer and educationalist who, along with Anand Kumar, conceptualised Super 30 to teach poor students to crack IIT JEE.
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UP polls: Probe ordered against Abbas Ansari for his controversial remarks against government officials - Hindi News | UP polls: Probe ordered against Abbas Ansari for his controversial remarks against government officials | Latest politics News at

Politics :UP polls: Probe ordered against Abbas Ansari for his controversial remarks against government officials

Additional Director General, Law and Order, Prashant Kumar, has ordered a probe against Abbas Ansari, son of jailed don turned politician Mukhtar Ansari for his controversial statement at a public rally in Mau. ...

Won't leave Delhi borders until demands fulfilled, even if protest site turns into our graveyards: Rakesh Tikait - Hindi News | Won't leave Delhi borders until demands fulfilled, even if protest site turns into our graveyards: Rakesh Tikait | Latest national News at

National :Won't leave Delhi borders until demands fulfilled, even if protest site turns into our graveyards: Rakesh Tikait

Asserting that the farmers' agitation against the three new farm laws shall continue until the Central government fulfills their demands, Bharatiya Kisan Union (Arajnaitik) leader Rakesh Tikait on Sunday said that the farmers will not leave the Delhi ...