
Afp, News

Afp, Latest News

Alexander Forbes Group Holdings, commonly referred to as Alexander Forbes is headquartered in Johannesburg, South Africa, with a presence in six other countries on the African continent: Namibia, Botswana, Zambia, Uganda, Nigeria and Zimbabwe and in the Channel Islands through our offshore Jersey operation.
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Philippines cancels annual joint military exercise with US - Hindi News | Philippines cancels annual joint military exercise with US | Latest politics News at

Politics :Philippines cancels annual joint military exercise with US

The Philippines has cancelled its biggest annual joint military exercise with the US this year due to the coronavirus pandemic, a high-ranking official said on Friday. ...

Mushfiqur Rahim refuses to visit Pakistan for T20 series - Hindi News | Mushfiqur Rahim refuses to visit Pakistan for T20 series | Latest cricket News at

Cricket :Mushfiqur Rahim refuses to visit Pakistan for T20 series

In what can be termed as a crucial blow to Bangladesh ahead of the next tour to Pakistan wicket-keeper ... ...

Two rockets hit Iraq capital 24 hours after Iran missile attack - Hindi News | Two rockets hit Iraq capital 24 hours after Iran missile attack | Latest international News at

International :Two rockets hit Iraq capital 24 hours after Iran missile attack

Two rockets crashed late Wednesday into the Iraqi capital's Green Zone, the high-security enclave where foreign embassies including the ... ...