
Airport Health Organisation

Airport health organisation, Latest News

'Har Ghar Dastak' COVID-19 vaccination campaign to continue till Dec 31 - Hindi News | 'Har Ghar Dastak' COVID-19 vaccination campaign to continue till Dec 31 | Latest national News at

National :'Har Ghar Dastak' COVID-19 vaccination campaign to continue till Dec 31

The Centre's "Har Ghar Dastak" campaign will continue till December 31 with a focus on 100 per cent first dose COVID-19 vaccination, and completing the backlog of second dose vaccination, informed official sources on Tuesday. ...

Hyderabad Airport gears up for lockdown exit with new safety features - Hindi News | Hyderabad Airport gears up for lockdown exit with new safety features | Latest health News at

Health :Hyderabad Airport gears up for lockdown exit with new safety features

Contactless terminal entry system, automated thermal cameras for screening body temperature, acrylic glass shields on counters, 'hygiene stations' with automatic hand sanitisers, social distancing markers across the terminal and frequent sanitisation ...