
Akiyoshi Saitoh, News

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Study suggests anti-depressant reduces stress, depression - Hindi News | Study suggests anti-depressant reduces stress, depression | Latest technology News at

Technology :Study suggests anti-depressant reduces stress, depression

Tokyo [Japan], May 13 : Depression affects millions of people globally as a result of psychological stress. Most antidepressant ... ...

Researchers reveal how anti-depressant reduces stress, depression - Hindi News | Researchers reveal how anti-depressant reduces stress, depression | Latest health News at

Health :Researchers reveal how anti-depressant reduces stress, depression

Tokyo [Japan], May 8 : Millions of individuals worldwide suffer from depression as a result of psychological stress. However, ... ...

Study finds 'Second-hand' psychological stress can lead to depression - Hindi News | Study finds 'Second-hand' psychological stress can lead to depression | Latest lifestyle News at

Lifestyle :Study finds 'Second-hand' psychological stress can lead to depression

Scientists have connected the dots between psychological stress and depression with the elucidation of a vicarious social defeat stress mouse model. ...

'Second-hand' psychological stress can lead to depression: Study - Hindi News | 'Second-hand' psychological stress can lead to depression: Study | Latest health News at

Health :'Second-hand' psychological stress can lead to depression: Study

Scientists have successfully endeavoured in connecting the dots between psychological stress and depression with the elucidation of a vicarious social defeat stress mouse model. ...