
Arpit Jayswal

Arpit jayswal, Latest News

PhleboIndia, a Gurugram-based start-up raises Rs 5 crore with a valuation of Rs 71. 45 crore; robust expansion plans underway - Hindi News | PhleboIndia, a Gurugram-based start-up raises Rs 5 crore with a valuation of Rs 71. 45 crore; robust expansion plans underway | Latest business News at

Business :PhleboIndia, a Gurugram-based start-up raises Rs 5 crore with a valuation of Rs 71. 45 crore; robust expansion plans underway

PhleboIndia, a Gurugram-based online aggregator platform for diagnostic laboratories, recently raised Rs 5 crore in a funding round in less than four months of operation due to its patient-centric business model. In their pre-seed round of funding, t ...