
Aslam Gurukkal

Aslam gurukkal, Latest News

Sharjah to host first-ever Friendship Cup at UAE with Bollywood stars and Legendary Cricketers from March 5th - Hindi News | Sharjah to host first-ever Friendship Cup at UAE with Bollywood stars and Legendary Cricketers from March 5th | Latest business News at

Business :Sharjah to host first-ever Friendship Cup at UAE with Bollywood stars and Legendary Cricketers from March 5th

The Sharjah Cricket Stadium in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) will host the first-ever three-day long Friendship T10 Cup UAE, in which former cricketing legends from the world and Bollywood stars will compete to strengthen bonds between people and na ...

International Cricketing Legends to play for Friendship Cup UAE in Sharjah - Hindi News | International Cricketing Legends to play for Friendship Cup UAE in Sharjah | Latest business News at

Business :International Cricketing Legends to play for Friendship Cup UAE in Sharjah

"With certain travel restrictions still in force at some places it is difficult for the tournament participants to travel during this time due to the current Covid situation worldwide, hence the organizing committee of FRIENDSHIP CUP UAE has postpone ...