Aziz Inan

Aziz Inan

Aziz inan, Latest News

Jale İnan was a Turkish archaeologist, and she is considered to be the first Turkish woman to have been active in the discipline. She led excavations in Perga and Side which resulted in the expansion of the Antalya Museum. Her restoration work on the Temple of Apollo in Side was noted for its significance to Turkish heritage.
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Right to left and left to right - October 9, this year is a Palindrome Day! - Hindi News | Right to left and left to right - October 9, this year is a Palindrome Day! | Latest lifestyle News at

Lifestyle :Right to left and left to right - October 9, this year is a Palindrome Day!

Today's date 9.10.2019 is quite rare- it is a palindrome, which means it reads the same way backward and forward. ...