
Bakul Foundation, News

Bakul foundation, Latest News

What to gift this Diwali? Bhubaneswar organistion has eco-friendly options - Hindi News | What to gift this Diwali? Bhubaneswar organistion has eco-friendly options | Latest national News at

National :What to gift this Diwali? Bhubaneswar organistion has eco-friendly options

In a bid to promote eco-friendly Diwali celebrations, a Bhubaneswar-based organisation is running a campaign to encourage people to gift plants on the festival. ...

Festivities with a social cause: Worshipping tree on Ganesh Chaturthi - Hindi News | Festivities with a social cause: Worshipping tree on Ganesh Chaturthi | Latest national News at

National :Festivities with a social cause: Worshipping tree on Ganesh Chaturthi

Ganesh Chaturthi is being celebrated here in a unique manner by combining religion and a social cause- worshipping trees in the form of the elephant god. ...