
Baldev Singh Sirsa, News

Baldev singh sirsa, Latest News

NIA summons around 40 people including farmer leader Baldev Singh Sirsa, Punjabi actor Deep Sidhu for questioning - Hindi News | NIA summons around 40 people including farmer leader Baldev Singh Sirsa, Punjabi actor Deep Sidhu for questioning | Latest national News at

National :NIA summons around 40 people including farmer leader Baldev Singh Sirsa, Punjabi actor Deep Sidhu for questioning

Farmer leader Baldev Singh Sirsa and Punjabi actor Deep Sidhu have been summoned by the National Investigation Agency (NIA) for questioning on January 17 in a case related to Sikhs for Justice (SFJ). ...

Farmer leaders appeal to protesters to be 'mentally tough' during struggle - Hindi News | Farmer leaders appeal to protesters to be 'mentally tough' during struggle | Latest national News at

National :Farmer leaders appeal to protesters to be 'mentally tough' during struggle

As farmers' suicides are rising during the ongoing protest against the three farm laws at the agitation site, the farmer leaders on Sunday asked the protesters to be mentally tough during the period and not contemplate any extreme action. ...

Terming yesterday's tractor parade as trailer, farmer threatens to block entire Delhi - Hindi News | Terming yesterday's tractor parade as trailer, farmer threatens to block entire Delhi | Latest national News at

National :Terming yesterday's tractor parade as trailer, farmer threatens to block entire Delhi

Even as the central government is struggling to reach a consensus regarding the ongoing farmer protest, a farmer on Friday said the tractor parade that took place on Thursday was just a trailer and they will block entire Delhi if there demands are no ...