
Bhima-Nayak, News

Bhima-nayak, Latest News

Bhima Nayak or Bheema Nayak was an Indian revolutionary. He fought against the British in the Indian Rebellion of 1857. When Bhima was convicted by the British government, he was kept in Port Blair and Nicobar.
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Modi brushes off Pragya's Godse remarks in last poll rally - Hindi News | Modi brushes off Pragya's Godse remarks in last poll rally | Latest national News at

National :Modi brushes off Pragya's Godse remarks in last poll rally

Prime Minister Narendra Modi brushed aside his party's embarrassment over the controversy sparked by Bhopal BJP candidate Pragya Thakur's comments praising Mahatma Gandhi's assassin Nathuram Godse, as he addressed his last rally of the general electi ...