
Chaitanya Ayinapudi, News

Chaitanya ayinapudi, Latest News

Hyderabad start-up introduces eco-friendly water boxes instead of plastic bottles - Hindi News | Hyderabad start-up introduces eco-friendly water boxes instead of plastic bottles | Latest national News at

National :Hyderabad start-up introduces eco-friendly water boxes instead of plastic bottles

In view of increasing plastic waste, a Hyderabad-based start-up introduced eco-friendly water boxes instead of plastic water bottles. ...

Hyderabad start-up introduces eco-friendly water boxes instead of plastic bottles - Hindi News | Hyderabad start-up introduces eco-friendly water boxes instead of plastic bottles | Latest national News at

National :Hyderabad start-up introduces eco-friendly water boxes instead of plastic bottles

In view of increasing plastic waste, a Hyderabad-based start-up introduced eco-friendly water boxes instead of plastic water bottles. ...