
Charu Verma, News

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IndiGo achieves real-time travel data integration with Red Hat Fuse - Hindi News | IndiGo achieves real-time travel data integration with Red Hat Fuse | Latest business News at

Business :IndiGo achieves real-time travel data integration with Red Hat Fuse

IndiGo, India's largest passenger airline, depends on hundreds of applications to manage processes and functions from catering to crew scheduling. To reduce manual data re-entry across applications, the airline decided to use Red Hat Fuse to create a ...

IndiGo achieves real-time travel data integration with Red Hat Fuse - Hindi News | IndiGo achieves real-time travel data integration with Red Hat Fuse | Latest business News at

Business :IndiGo achieves real-time travel data integration with Red Hat Fuse

IndiGo, India's largest passenger airline, depends on hundreds of applications to manage processes and functions from catering to crew scheduling. To reduce manual data re-entry across applications, the airline decided to use Red Hat Fuse to create a ...