
Cii-Sportscom Industry Confederation, News

Cii-sportscom industry confederation, Latest News

Our athletes need to win hearts, make nation proud at Tokyo Olympics, says PM Modi - Hindi News | Our athletes need to win hearts, make nation proud at Tokyo Olympics, says PM Modi | Latest other-sports News at

Other Sports :Our athletes need to win hearts, make nation proud at Tokyo Olympics, says PM Modi

Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Sunday urged the nation to come forward and support all the athletes who would be heading to the Tokyo Olympics to make the country proud. ...

Support Olympic-bound athletes like our cricketers: Rijiju - Hindi News | Support Olympic-bound athletes like our cricketers: Rijiju | Latest other-sports News at

Other Sports :Support Olympic-bound athletes like our cricketers: Rijiju

New Delhi, June 26 Union sports minister Kiren Rijiju said on Saturday that India's Olympic-bound athletes are national ... ...

Olympics Selfie Points set up to promote campaign and encourage athletes, says Rijiju - Hindi News | Olympics Selfie Points set up to promote campaign and encourage athletes, says Rijiju | Latest other-sports News at

Other Sports :Olympics Selfie Points set up to promote campaign and encourage athletes, says Rijiju

Kiren Rijiju, the Union Minister for Youth Affairs and Sports, has reiterated that India's Olympic-bound athletes are national heroes and he also urged the people to extend support to these players in the same way they follow cricketers in the countr ...