
Devanshu Patel, News

Devanshu patel, Latest News

Producer ketki pandit hosts the highly anticipated Vadodara Films & Design festival for today’s YOUth at Parul University - Hindi News | Producer ketki pandit hosts the highly anticipated Vadodara Films & Design festival for today’s YOUth at Parul University | Latest business News at

Business :Producer ketki pandit hosts the highly anticipated Vadodara Films & Design festival for today’s YOUth at Parul University

Vadodara (Gujarat) [India], May 16: “Producer Ketki Pandit, founder of ‘YOUth talks,’ in collaboration with Parul University under the ... ...

Parul University's vibrant fest 'Maadhyam' - A creative platform for media, communication and journalism students - Hindi News | Parul University's vibrant fest 'Maadhyam' - A creative platform for media, communication and journalism students | Latest business News at

Business :Parul University's vibrant fest 'Maadhyam' - A creative platform for media, communication and journalism students

Parul University's Department of Mass Communication and Journalism, one of the leading institutions in the field of media in India, organized its inter-university media event 'Maadhyam' in the first week of September. Held within the vibrant campus o ...