
Drago Ignjatovic, News

Drago ignjatovic, Latest News

Tenstorrent achieves best-in-class PPA and First-Pass Silicon Success for Datacenter AI Processor SoC with INVECAS advanced ASIC engineering capabilities - Hindi News | Tenstorrent achieves best-in-class PPA and First-Pass Silicon Success for Datacenter AI Processor SoC with INVECAS advanced ASIC engineering capabilities | Latest business News at

Business :Tenstorrent achieves best-in-class PPA and First-Pass Silicon Success for Datacenter AI Processor SoC with INVECAS advanced ASIC engineering capabilities

INVECAS Inc, a leading provider of ASIC design solutions, and Tenstorrent Inc, a leading AI/ML processor company, announced today that Tenstorrent has achieved first-pass silicon success for its recently announced Grayskull AI processor system-on-chi ...