
Energy Research

Energy research, Latest News

India announces launch of 'Innovation Roadmap of the Mission Integrated Biorefineries' - Hindi News | India announces launch of 'Innovation Roadmap of the Mission Integrated Biorefineries' | Latest international News at

International :India announces launch of 'Innovation Roadmap of the Mission Integrated Biorefineries'

New Delhi, Sep 23 Aiming at greater international collaboration and the need for increased financing for Energy Research, ... ...

Study explores how to produce fuel from renewable sources and reduce carbon emissions - Hindi News | Study explores how to produce fuel from renewable sources and reduce carbon emissions | Latest technology News at

Technology :Study explores how to produce fuel from renewable sources and reduce carbon emissions

According to researchers at the Technical University of Munich (TUM), a considerable reduction in CO2 emissions is required to limit the consequences of climate change. Producing fuel from renewable sources such as waste wood and straw or renewable e ...