

Iipm, Latest News

Arindam Chaudhuri predicts Pathaan will have a 500cr worldwide weekend and suggests Shah Rukh Khan should invest money into a China Marketing strategy! - Hindi News | Arindam Chaudhuri predicts Pathaan will have a 500cr worldwide weekend and suggests Shah Rukh Khan should invest money into a China Marketing strategy! | Latest business News at

Business :Arindam Chaudhuri predicts Pathaan will have a 500cr worldwide weekend and suggests Shah Rukh Khan should invest money into a China Marketing strategy!

Left: The Digital Cover of the latest edition of The Sunday Indian; Right: Screenshot from the post on Dr. ... ...

IIPM never wanted students interested UGC degrees—Dr. Arindam Chaudhuri gets candid - Hindi News | IIPM never wanted students interested UGC degrees—Dr. Arindam Chaudhuri gets candid | Latest business News at

Business :IIPM never wanted students interested UGC degrees—Dr. Arindam Chaudhuri gets candid

Management Guru, Film Maker & Honorary Director of IIPM Think Tank, Dr. Arindam Chaudhuri New Delhi (India), January 09: “The ... ...