

Ixpe, Latest News

Imaging X-ray Polarimetry Explorer, commonly known as IXPE or SMEX-14, is a space observatory with three identical telescopes designed to measure the polarization of cosmic X-rays of black holes, neutron stars, and pulsars.
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Study: Magnetized dead star likely has a solid surface - Hindi News | Study: Magnetized dead star likely has a solid surface | Latest technology News at

Technology :Study: Magnetized dead star likely has a solid surface

A signature in the X-ray light emitted by a highly magnetized dead star known as a magnetar suggests the ... ...

NASA releases first images from its new X-ray mission - Hindi News | NASA releases first images from its new X-ray mission | Latest technology News at

Technology :NASA releases first images from its new X-ray mission

Washington, Feb 16 US space agency NASA has released the first science images from its new Imaging X-ray ... ...