
Jayshree Upadhyay

Jayshree upadhyay, Latest News

Majestic Garbh Sanskar launches unique social media campaign to bust common myths about garbhsanskar - Hindi News | Majestic Garbh Sanskar launches unique social media campaign to bust common myths about garbhsanskar | Latest business News at

Business :Majestic Garbh Sanskar launches unique social media campaign to bust common myths about garbhsanskar

Whenever you hear the word Garbhsanskar, it probably sounds like a tradition from a mythical age. But garbha sanskar is not a tantra, a mantra, or only a religious ritual. Many people believe, that garbhsanskar is only about practicing yoga and diet. ...

Garbh Sanskar Guru App becomes the first ever garbh sanskar app to reach one million downloads globally - Hindi News | Garbh Sanskar Guru App becomes the first ever garbh sanskar app to reach one million downloads globally | Latest business News at

Business :Garbh Sanskar Guru App becomes the first ever garbh sanskar app to reach one million downloads globally

By keeping both scientific and holistic approaches in mind, Majestic Garbh Sanskar launched the world's first Garbh sanskar mobile application in 2018, which has now been used by more than ten lack mothers across the globe. Garbh sanskar guru app has ...