
Khaleeq Nazar Kiani, News

Khaleeq nazar kiani, Latest News

Development of industries in Pak's Balochistan is moribund due to lack of incentives: Report - Hindi News | Development of industries in Pak's Balochistan is moribund due to lack of incentives: Report | Latest international News at

International :Development of industries in Pak's Balochistan is moribund due to lack of incentives: Report

The development of the small-scale industries in Pakistan's Balochistan is moribund due to the lack of incentives, a lukewarm attitude of the government towards investment, and above all, the security situation, said Khaleeq Nazar Kiani in its report ...

Balochistan - A resource rich area facing poverty, dismal growth rate, bad governance - Hindi News | Balochistan - A resource rich area facing poverty, dismal growth rate, bad governance | Latest international News at

International :Balochistan - A resource rich area facing poverty, dismal growth rate, bad governance

Balochistan, a resource-rich province, has been experiencing a disappointing growth rate, widespread poverty, and bad governance. ...