
Ming Aung Hlaing

Ming aung hlaing, Latest News

US stands with people of Myanmar as they strive to restore democracy: Blinken - Hindi News | US stands with people of Myanmar as they strive to restore democracy: Blinken | Latest international News at

International :US stands with people of Myanmar as they strive to restore democracy: Blinken

The United States stands with the people of Myanmar as they strive to restore the path to democracy and human rights in their country, said US Secretary of State Antony Blinken on Monday. ...

Myanmar military attempting to curb media freedom, say experts - Hindi News | Myanmar military attempting to curb media freedom, say experts | Latest international News at

International :Myanmar military attempting to curb media freedom, say experts

Myanmar's latest amendments in telecommunications law are an attempt by the junta to suppress the voice of journalists and muzzle the media, experts and rights activists said on Friday. ...

Myanmar: Dozens of overthrown party's offices attacked since military coup, says NLD senior official - Hindi News | Myanmar: Dozens of overthrown party's offices attacked since military coup, says NLD senior official | Latest international News at

International :Myanmar: Dozens of overthrown party's offices attacked since military coup, says NLD senior official

The Myanmar Military after ousting the democratically elected government in the country has bombed and destroyed the offices of the National League for Democracy (NLD), which was overthrown by the junta in February. ...

Reporters Without Borders nominate Myanmar-based journalist for courage award - Hindi News | Reporters Without Borders nominate Myanmar-based journalist for courage award | Latest international News at

International :Reporters Without Borders nominate Myanmar-based journalist for courage award

Myanmar-based journalist Kay Zon Nway has been nominated by Paris-based non-governmental organisation, Reporters Without Borders, for the 2021 Press Freedom Awards. ...

Myanmar Military abducts civilians to use them as 'human shields' - Hindi News | Myanmar Military abducts civilians to use them as 'human shields' | Latest international News at

International :Myanmar Military abducts civilians to use them as 'human shields'

As clashes between the Myanmar Military and anti-coup forces escalated in Kayah State, the junta forces abducted 19 men from Ka-the village, to use them as 'human shields during the fight. ...

Ex-US diplomat on humanitarian mission meets Myanmar Junta Chief - Hindi News | Ex-US diplomat on humanitarian mission meets Myanmar Junta Chief | Latest international News at

International :Ex-US diplomat on humanitarian mission meets Myanmar Junta Chief

With COVID-19 deepening hardship for people in Myanmar, former US diplomat Bill Richardson on a humanitarian mission to the country met its junta Chief Min Aung Hlaing. ...

US condemns Myanmar security forces for 'abhorrent attacks' in Chin state - Hindi News | US condemns Myanmar security forces for 'abhorrent attacks' in Chin state | Latest international News at

International :US condemns Myanmar security forces for 'abhorrent attacks' in Chin state

The United States on Sunday (local time) said it was "gravely concerned" by reports of human rights violations that Myanmar security forces have perpetuated in Chin State, including setting fire to and destroying over 100 residences and Christian chu ...

Senior NLD leader jailed for 20 years for criticizing Myanmar coup - Hindi News | Senior NLD leader jailed for 20 years for criticizing Myanmar coup | Latest international News at

International :Senior NLD leader jailed for 20 years for criticizing Myanmar coup

Myanmar authorities on Friday jailed an Octogenarian opposition leader for criticizing the coup that ousted the democratically elected government in the country. ...