
Mohit Chaudhary, News

Mohit chaudhary, Latest News

Foreignerds Inc. takes digital marketing & software development to the next level with AI technology - Hindi News | Foreignerds Inc. takes digital marketing & software development to the next level with AI technology | Latest business News at

Business :Foreignerds Inc. takes digital marketing & software development to the next level with AI technology

PNN Noida (Uttar Pradesh) [India], May 26: As the world continues to embrace digitalization, it is imperative for businesses ... ...

UP: Patients' kin feel the heat after told to shift from Agra hospital sealed over viral video - Hindi News | UP: Patients' kin feel the heat after told to shift from Agra hospital sealed over viral video | Latest national News at

National :UP: Patients' kin feel the heat after told to shift from Agra hospital sealed over viral video

After the Agra administration sealed a private hospital in the city over a video of its owner that went viral, kin of the patients who were undergoing treatment at the hospital, said they are facing problems as they have been told to shift their pati ...