
National Coronavirus Headquarters, News

National coronavirus headquarters, Latest News

Iranian President vows to beef up coronavirus-related restrictions amid surge in cases - Hindi News | Iranian President vows to beef up coronavirus-related restrictions amid surge in cases | Latest international News at

International :Iranian President vows to beef up coronavirus-related restrictions amid surge in cases

Iranian President Hassan Rouhani has ordered for a toughening of the coronavirus-related restrictions, including the introduction of fines for non-compliance, amid the continuous spread of the infection, Iran's government said on Saturday. ...

Iranian president vows to beef up Coronavirus-related restrictions amid surge in cases - Hindi News | Iranian president vows to beef up Coronavirus-related restrictions amid surge in cases | Latest international News at

International :Iranian president vows to beef up Coronavirus-related restrictions amid surge in cases

Iranian President Hassan Rouhani has ordered for a toughening of the coronavirus-related restrictions, including the introduction of fines for non-compliance, amid the continuous spread of the infection, Iran's government said on Saturday. ...