
National Institute Of Virology And Textiles Ministry, News

National institute of virology and textiles ministry, Latest News

How Team Smriti Irani, RIL, J&J, NIV got COVID-19 testing swab in 10 days at 10% cost of China make (LEAD with J&J quote) - Hindi News | How Team Smriti Irani, RIL, J&J, NIV got COVID-19 testing swab in 10 days at 10% cost of China make (LEAD with J&J quote) | Latest health News at

Health :How Team Smriti Irani, RIL, J&J, NIV got COVID-19 testing swab in 10 days at 10% cost of China make (LEAD with J&J quote)

India has achieved a major milestone in its fight against COVID-19 as two large companies Reliance Industries Limited (RIL) ... ...

How Team Smriti, RIL, J&J, NIV got a Covid-19 testing swab in 10 days at 10% cost of China make - Hindi News | How Team Smriti, RIL, J&J, NIV got a Covid-19 testing swab in 10 days at 10% cost of China make | Latest health News at

Health :How Team Smriti, RIL, J&J, NIV got a Covid-19 testing swab in 10 days at 10% cost of China make

India has achieved a major milestone in its fight against Covid-19 as two large companies Reliance Industries Limited (RIL) ... ...