
Navidad Infotech Pvt Ltd, News

Navidad infotech pvt ltd, Latest News

Navidad Infotech Pvt Ltd launches "Holostick - the ultimate product for light painting" - Hindi News | Navidad Infotech Pvt Ltd launches "Holostick - the ultimate product for light painting" | Latest business News at

Business :Navidad Infotech Pvt Ltd launches "Holostick - the ultimate product for light painting"

Navidad Infotech Pvt Ltd, introduces new industrial grade product of "Holostick - the ultimate product for light painting" which was launched on 25th December 2022. Holostick acts like an invisible screen in the air and helps photographers to display ...

Navidad Infotech Pvt Ltd launches "Holostick - the ultimate product for light painting" - Hindi News | Navidad Infotech Pvt Ltd launches "Holostick - the ultimate product for light painting" | Latest business News at

Business :Navidad Infotech Pvt Ltd launches "Holostick - the ultimate product for light painting"

Navidad Infotech Pvt Ltd, introduces new industrial grade product of "Holostick - the ultimate product for light painting" which was launched on 25th December 2022. Holostick acts like an invisible screen in the air and helps photographers to display ...