
Penn State's College Of Engineering, News

Penn state's college of engineering, Latest News

Study shows even moderate heat can affect human heart - Hindi News | Study shows even moderate heat can affect human heart | Latest international News at

International :Study shows even moderate heat can affect human heart

New York, July 10 Increasing humid conditions in temperatures as low as 34 degrees Celsius can lead to ... ...

New plasma medicine research shows its antibacterial effects, potential uses - Hindi News | New plasma medicine research shows its antibacterial effects, potential uses | Latest lifestyle News at

Lifestyle :New plasma medicine research shows its antibacterial effects, potential uses

A research group has found that direct low-temperature plasma (LTP) treatment and plasma-activated media are effective treatments against bacteria found in liquid cultures. ...

Plasma medicine research highlights its antibacterial effects, potential uses - Hindi News | Plasma medicine research highlights its antibacterial effects, potential uses | Latest health News at

Health :Plasma medicine research highlights its antibacterial effects, potential uses

A team of researchers say that the direct low-temperature plasma (LTP) treatment and plasma-activated media are effective treatments against bacteria found in liquid cultures. The researchers also say they have devised a unique way to create plasma d ...