
Pgk Menon, News

Pgk menon, Latest News

Lt Gen Anindya Sengupta takes over as the next 'Fire and Fury' Corps Commander - Hindi News | Lt Gen Anindya Sengupta takes over as the next 'Fire and Fury' Corps Commander | Latest national News at

National :Lt Gen Anindya Sengupta takes over as the next 'Fire and Fury' Corps Commander

Amid the ongoing military standoff with China, Lieutenant General Anindya Sengupta on Wednesday took over as the General Officer Commanding of Leh-based Fire and Fury Corps, informed the Indian Army. ...

Lt Gen PGK Menon takes over as command of 'Fire and Fury Corps' - Hindi News | Lt Gen PGK Menon takes over as command of 'Fire and Fury Corps' | Latest national News at

National :Lt Gen PGK Menon takes over as command of 'Fire and Fury Corps'

Lieutenant General PGK Menon on Tuesday took over as the new commander of the Leh-based 14 Corps, also known as the Fire & Fury Corps on Tuesday, replacing Lt Gen Harinder Singh. ...