
Ramkrishna Netralaya

Ramkrishna netralaya, Latest News

Advanced Micro Incision Glaucoma Surgery (istent) for the first time in India at Ramkrishna Netralaya, Thane, Mumbai and Navi Mumbai - Hindi News | Advanced Micro Incision Glaucoma Surgery (istent) for the first time in India at Ramkrishna Netralaya, Thane, Mumbai and Navi Mumbai | Latest business News at

Business :Advanced Micro Incision Glaucoma Surgery (istent) for the first time in India at Ramkrishna Netralaya, Thane, Mumbai and Navi Mumbai

Ramkrishna Netralaya is pleased to bring istent, and istent inject by Glaukos, the USA for the first time in India. This is the world's smallest medical device known to be implanted in the human body. ...