
Ritesh Hada

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Army chief Gen Naravane to inaugurate Ahmedabad Design Week - Hindi News | Army chief Gen Naravane to inaugurate Ahmedabad Design Week | Latest national News at

National :Army chief Gen Naravane to inaugurate Ahmedabad Design Week

Gandhinagar, Feb 21 Chief of Army Staff, General M.M. Naravane, will inaugurate the third edition of Ahmedabad Design ... ...

Karnavati University's interdisciplinary courses break traditional narratives of design education - Hindi News | Karnavati University's interdisciplinary courses break traditional narratives of design education | Latest business News at

Business :Karnavati University's interdisciplinary courses break traditional narratives of design education

As the world around us grapples with increasingly complex challenges that defy traditional solutions and ways of thinking, one of the few areas of endeavour that hold out the promise of solutions are the rapidly emerging fields of interdisciplinary t ...