
Rupesh Srivastava, News

Rupesh srivastava, Latest News

Sarus, taken away from friend, goes missing in UP sanctuary - Hindi News | Sarus, taken away from friend, goes missing in UP sanctuary | Latest national News at

National :Sarus, taken away from friend, goes missing in UP sanctuary

Lucknow, March 23 The sarus taken away by the forest department from Mohd Arif, who has nursed the ... ...

Salesforce Partner ABSYZ enters the Middle East with a UAE Launch - Hindi News | Salesforce Partner ABSYZ enters the Middle East with a UAE Launch | Latest business News at

Business :Salesforce Partner ABSYZ enters the Middle East with a UAE Launch

ABSYZ Software Consulting Private Limited, a leading partner with offices in the US and India, announced today the opening of a new office in Dubai Multi Commodities Center (DMCC), Dubai. ...