

Sanandaj, Latest News

Sanandaj; Kurdish: سنە, romanized: Sine, often romanized as Senneh, is the capital of Kurdistan Province in Iran. With a population of 414,069, Sanandaj is the twenty third largest city in Iran and the second largest Kurdish city.
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Iran protest: Violent clashes break out between students and security forces - Hindi News | Iran protest: Violent clashes break out between students and security forces | Latest international News at

International :Iran protest: Violent clashes break out between students and security forces

Iranian students clashed with security forces at universities across Iran on Sunday, according to the country's activist and human ... ...

Nationwide demonstrations in Iran continue for 33rd straight day - Hindi News | Nationwide demonstrations in Iran continue for 33rd straight day | Latest politics News at

Politics :Nationwide demonstrations in Iran continue for 33rd straight day

Washington, Oct 20 Nationwide demonstrations in Iran following the death of a young woman in police custody continued ... ...