
Sanjaynagar Police Station

Sanjaynagar police station, Latest News

Bengaluru youth electrocuted: CM Bommai assures action against officials responsible for mishap - Hindi News | Bengaluru youth electrocuted: CM Bommai assures action against officials responsible for mishap | Latest national News at

National :Bengaluru youth electrocuted: CM Bommai assures action against officials responsible for mishap

Karnataka Chief Minister Basavaraj Bommai on Wednesday assured that compensation would be given to the kin of youth who died due to electrocution. ...

Karnataka CM assures of strict action after man electrocuted to death in Bengaluru - Hindi News | Karnataka CM assures of strict action after man electrocuted to death in Bengaluru | Latest national News at

National :Karnataka CM assures of strict action after man electrocuted to death in Bengaluru

Karnataka Chief Minister Basavaraj Bommai on Wednesday reacted to the death of a man due to electrocution on a footpath in Bengaluru, saying that all departments and officers concerned would be dealt with sternly, and "no one will be spared". ...