
Sanjeev Mittal, News

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Reports about migrant workers going home due to COVID-19 not correct, Northern Railway - Hindi News | Reports about migrant workers going home due to COVID-19 not correct, Northern Railway | Latest national News at

National :Reports about migrant workers going home due to COVID-19 not correct, Northern Railway

Reports in a section of media about migrant workers going home due to COVID-19 are not correct, said Deepak Kumar, Chief Public Relation Officers (CPRO) Northern Railway. ...

Robotic 'Captain Arjun' to screen passengers while boarding trains: Central Railways - Hindi News | Robotic 'Captain Arjun' to screen passengers while boarding trains: Central Railways | Latest national News at

National :Robotic 'Captain Arjun' to screen passengers while boarding trains: Central Railways

Railway Protection Force, Pune on Friday launched 'CAPTAIN ARJUN', a robot to screen passengers while they board trains, said Central Railways. ...