
Siddhesh Inamdar, News

Siddhesh inamdar, Latest News

HarperCollins presents A holistic account of the political history of Uttar Pradesh in independent India as the state heads to the polls next month - Hindi News | HarperCollins presents A holistic account of the political history of Uttar Pradesh in independent India as the state heads to the polls next month | Latest business News at

Business :HarperCollins presents A holistic account of the political history of Uttar Pradesh in independent India as the state heads to the polls next month

With a population that would rank it the fifth in the world if it were a country, Uttar Pradesh has undoubtedly been India's most politically important state since Independence. It sends the highest number of members to Parliament and has the biggest ...

'The Disruptor' details VP Singh's repeated crises during his 11-month tenure - Hindi News | 'The Disruptor' details VP Singh's repeated crises during his 11-month tenure | Latest national News at

National :'The Disruptor' details VP Singh's repeated crises during his 11-month tenure

New Delhi, Nov 11 Vishwanath Pratap Singh, Indias seventh Prime Minister, struck Indian politics with the force of ... ...