
Signal Messaging, News

Signal messaging, Latest News

Signal is a cross-platform centralized encrypted messaging service developed by the Signal Technology Foundation and Signal Messenger LLC. It uses the Internet to send one-to-one and group messages, which can include files, voice notes, images and videos.
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WhatsApp planning to let users transfer chat history between iOS, Android - Hindi News | WhatsApp planning to let users transfer chat history between iOS, Android | Latest technology News at

Technology :WhatsApp planning to let users transfer chat history between iOS, Android

If you are planning to switch from Android to iPhone but worried about migrating your chat history then this news can be a reason for you to rejoice as the social media giant is planning to let users officially transfer their chat history between the ...

Delhi Police arrests criminal lodged in Punjab jail for plot to kill Sushil Pandit - Hindi News | Delhi Police arrests criminal lodged in Punjab jail for plot to kill Sushil Pandit | Latest national News at

National :Delhi Police arrests criminal lodged in Punjab jail for plot to kill Sushil Pandit

A criminal, who was lodged in a jail in Punjab, has been arrested by the Delhi Police's Special Cell on Thursday in connection with an alleged conspiracy to kill Kashmiri activist Sushil Pandit. ...

'Handlers from Pakistan, Dubai behind conspiracy to kill Kashmiri activist in Delhi' - Hindi News | 'Handlers from Pakistan, Dubai behind conspiracy to kill Kashmiri activist in Delhi' | Latest national News at

National :'Handlers from Pakistan, Dubai behind conspiracy to kill Kashmiri activist in Delhi'

Handlers from Pakistan and Dubai hatched the conspiracy to kill Kashmiri activist Sushil Pandit and the contract killers arrested by Delhi Police on Saturday were acting on the behest of these handlers, said Delhi Police sources. ...