
Spsh Navantia

Spsh navantia, Latest News

Defence Ministry clears Navy proposal to issue Rs 50,000 crore tender for submarines - Hindi News | Defence Ministry clears Navy proposal to issue Rs 50,000 crore tender for submarines | Latest national News at

National :Defence Ministry clears Navy proposal to issue Rs 50,000 crore tender for submarines

The Indian Navy will soon issue a tender worth around Rs 50,000 crores to build six new advanced conventional submarines with the Defence Ministry clearing a proposal for the same at the Defence Acquisition Council meeting on Friday. ...

Defence Ministry clears Navy proposal to issue Rs 50,000 crore tender for submarines - Hindi News | Defence Ministry clears Navy proposal to issue Rs 50,000 crore tender for submarines | Latest national News at

National :Defence Ministry clears Navy proposal to issue Rs 50,000 crore tender for submarines

The Indian Navy will soon issue a tender worth around Rs 50,000 crores to build six new advanced conventional submarines with the Defence Ministry clearing a proposal for the same at the Defence Acquisition Council meeting on Friday. ...