
Suraj & Riva, News

Suraj & riva, Latest News

Blue Music Label launches their first foot-tapping song, Javed-Mohsin's 'Kaali Teri' introducing Suraj Jumani featuring Riva Arora - Hindi News | Blue Music Label launches their first foot-tapping song, Javed-Mohsin's 'Kaali Teri' introducing Suraj Jumani featuring Riva Arora | Latest business News at

Business :Blue Music Label launches their first foot-tapping song, Javed-Mohsin's 'Kaali Teri' introducing Suraj Jumani featuring Riva Arora

'Kaali Teri': Suraj Jumani & Riva Arora bring out their dance moves in this peppy number composed by Javed-Mohsin. Blue Music's promotion has begun on a chartbuster note with the first single 'Kaali Teri'. Today, the makers released the peppy music v ...

Blue Music Label launches their first foot-tapping song, Javed-Mohsin’s ‘Kaali Teri’ introducing Suraj Jumani featuring Riva Arora - Hindi News | Blue Music Label launches their first foot-tapping song, Javed-Mohsin’s ‘Kaali Teri’ introducing Suraj Jumani featuring Riva Arora | Latest business News at

Business :Blue Music Label launches their first foot-tapping song, Javed-Mohsin’s ‘Kaali Teri’ introducing Suraj Jumani featuring Riva Arora

New Delhi (India), January 21: ‘Kaali Teri’: Suraj Jumani & Riva Arora bring out their dance moves in this ... ...