
Titan Traq, News

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Milind Soman pledges to walk 5000 steps daily as part of the 500K Step Challenge starting from Mahatma Gandhi Jayanti on 2nd October, 2021 - Hindi News | Milind Soman pledges to walk 5000 steps daily as part of the 500K Step Challenge starting from Mahatma Gandhi Jayanti on 2nd October, 2021 | Latest business News at

Business :Milind Soman pledges to walk 5000 steps daily as part of the 500K Step Challenge starting from Mahatma Gandhi Jayanti on 2nd October, 2021

Milind Soman has pledged to walk 5000 steps every day for a week starting from Gandhi Jayanti on October 2nd, 2021 as part of the 500K Step Challenge which draws inspiration from Mahatma Gandhi's Dandi Salt March as a movement to encourage everyone t ...