University Of Bergen

University Of Bergen, News

University of bergen, Latest News

The University of Bergen is a public university located in Bergen, Norway. The university today serves approximately 17,000 students, and is one of eight universities in Norway.
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Scientists find sleeping too much or too little can make you sick - Hindi News | Scientists find sleeping too much or too little can make you sick | Latest health News at

Health :Scientists find sleeping too much or too little can make you sick

All kinds of issues can be resolved with a good night's sleep, but recent research suggests that getting enough ... ...

Scientists find evidence for food insecurity driving international conflict two thousand years ago - Hindi News | Scientists find evidence for food insecurity driving international conflict two thousand years ago | Latest technology News at

Technology :Scientists find evidence for food insecurity driving international conflict two thousand years ago

Researchers have identified climate-driven changes to food availability as a factor behind dramatic historical events that led the oasis city of Palmyra in Syria to its ultimate demise. ...

Study explores how appetite genes control children's growth - Hindi News | Study explores how appetite genes control children's growth | Latest lifestyle News at

Lifestyle :Study explores how appetite genes control children's growth

After birth, we grow fast. The length increases by about 50 per cent and the weight doubles during infancy. Then, the growth slows down and goes into a stable phase in childhood until a growth spurt in puberty. But, why is it so? ...

Changes in diet could increase life expectancy: Study - Hindi News | Changes in diet could increase life expectancy: Study | Latest health News at

Health :Changes in diet could increase life expectancy: Study

According to a recent study, young adults could add more than a decade to their life expectancy by changing their diet from a typical Western diet to an optimized diet that includes more legumes, whole grains and nuts, and less red and processed meat ...

Changing diet could add up to a decade of life expectancy, says study - Hindi News | Changing diet could add up to a decade of life expectancy, says study | Latest lifestyle News at

Lifestyle :Changing diet could add up to a decade of life expectancy, says study

Our elders unsurprisingly lived up to eighty years and more, even without much medication or hospitalisation, while the youth nowadays grapple with heart diseases, diabetes, obesity, blood pressure and whatnot. But, according to a new study, a young ...

More women than men die of heart failure: Study - Hindi News | More women than men die of heart failure: Study | Latest health News at

Health :More women than men die of heart failure: Study

Researchers have found that more women than men die of heart failure and 50 per cent of the heart failure cases among women are caused by having a heart attack, which can be treated with modern methods. ...

Watch your weight before 40, else face cancer risk - Hindi News | Watch your weight before 40, else face cancer risk | Latest health News at

Health :Watch your weight before 40, else face cancer risk

Researchers have found that being overweight before the age of 40 could increase the risk of various cancers in adults. ...