
Vallabh, News

Vallabh, Latest News

Vallabh Vidyanagar is a town and a municipality in Anand district in the Indian state of Gujarat. It is located between Ahmedabad and Vadodara, 6 km from the town of Anand. V.V.Nagar is known as educational hub of Gujarat. It is a home to the prestigious Sardar Patel University.
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India's GDP is actually 0%, or in negative: Congress - Hindi News | India's GDP is actually 0%, or in negative: Congress | Latest national News at

National :India's GDP is actually 0%, or in negative: Congress

Congress national spokesperson Gourav Vallabh on Saturday claimed that India's Gross Domestic Product (GDP) was not five percent as was articulated by the NDA government, but 0 per cent or even negative. ...