
Vijay Jumani

Vijay jumani, Latest News

Reflexical Pte Ltd recently gathered a dynamic group of Web3 founders, investors and stakeholders to discuss the current state and future of Web3 in Mumbai - Hindi News | Reflexical Pte Ltd recently gathered a dynamic group of Web3 founders, investors and stakeholders to discuss the current state and future of Web3 in Mumbai | Latest business News at

Business :Reflexical Pte Ltd recently gathered a dynamic group of Web3 founders, investors and stakeholders to discuss the current state and future of Web3 in Mumbai

Ajeet Khurana, Founder and CEO of Reflexical Pvt Lte held a high value Web3 meet up at a CoWorking centre in Mumbai last month. The meetup was attended by a curated list of Startup founders, investors and ecosystem players. The purpose of the meeting ...