
Vikram Goel, News

Vikram goel, Latest News

Star Opus and Grand Master join hands for the grand launch of UNOX Lounge in Goa featuring Speed X - Hindi News | Star Opus and Grand Master join hands for the grand launch of UNOX Lounge in Goa featuring Speed X | Latest business News at

Business :Star Opus and Grand Master join hands for the grand launch of UNOX Lounge in Goa featuring Speed X

Known for the world-class Speed X technology, which aims to usher in a brand new class of commercial grade ovens, UNOX India in association with Star Opus and Grand Master celebrated the grand opening of UNOX Lounge in Goa on the 1st of February 202 ...

Unox brings its cutting edge technology, SPEED X to INDIA which will revolutionize the way food is cooked in the commercial kitchens - Hindi News | Unox brings its cutting edge technology, SPEED X to INDIA which will revolutionize the way food is cooked in the commercial kitchens | Latest business News at

Business :Unox brings its cutting edge technology, SPEED X to INDIA which will revolutionize the way food is cooked in the commercial kitchens

Speed-X ushers in a brand-new class of commercial-grade ovens and adds another feather to their glorious cap for the food service sector. ...

RATIONAL announces hot sale on combi-steamers for Indian market - Hindi News | RATIONAL announces hot sale on combi-steamers for Indian market | Latest business News at

Business :RATIONAL announces hot sale on combi-steamers for Indian market

The current times call for the upgradation of professional kitchens in a bid to meet the rising demand for hygienically prepared food. ...