
Vikram Upadhyaya

Vikram upadhyaya, Latest News

DaveAI, A Nasscom Deeptech Club Start-up Specializing in Visual AI, raises strategic round of funding by Marquee Investors from Japan and India - Hindi News | DaveAI, A Nasscom Deeptech Club Start-up Specializing in Visual AI, raises strategic round of funding by Marquee Investors from Japan and India | Latest national News at

National :DaveAI, A Nasscom Deeptech Club Start-up Specializing in Visual AI, raises strategic round of funding by Marquee Investors from Japan and India

DaveAI, a virtual AI avatar led sales experience platform announced a strategic round of investment led by Maruti Suzuki India Ltd. - India's largest automobile brand, GHV - India's first and biggest industry Co-Creation innovation and investment gro ...