
Weifang, News

Weifang, Latest News

Weifang is a prefecture-level city in central Shandong province, People's Republic of China. The city borders Dongying to the northwest, Zibo to the west, Linyi to the southwest, Rizhao to the south, Qingdao to the east, and looks out to the Laizhou Bay to the north.
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Chinese delegation to visit Gilgit-Baltistan next week - Hindi News | Chinese delegation to visit Gilgit-Baltistan next week | Latest international News at

International :Chinese delegation to visit Gilgit-Baltistan next week

Gilgit-Baltistan [PoK], May 8 : The Chinese delegation is all set to travel to Pakistan-occupied Kashmir (PoK) Gilgit-Baltistan region ... ...

XCA 2600, World's Strongest All-Terrain Crane Developed by XCMG, sets new wind power hoisting record - Hindi News | XCA 2600, World's Strongest All-Terrain Crane Developed by XCMG, sets new wind power hoisting record | Latest business News at

Business :XCA 2600, World's Strongest All-Terrain Crane Developed by XCMG, sets new wind power hoisting record

XCA2600, the world's strongest all-terrain crane independently developed by XCMG (SHE: 000425), world top three construction machinery manufacturer, lifted and installed an 8.5MW wind turbine recently in the Changyi Wind Farm in Weifang, Shandong Pro ...