
Zheng Yanxiong, News

Zheng yanxiong, Latest News

Plenty yet to be done on security law in Hong Kong, says Chinese officials - Hindi News | Plenty yet to be done on security law in Hong Kong, says Chinese officials | Latest international News at

International :Plenty yet to be done on security law in Hong Kong, says Chinese officials

Claiming that the national security law imposed by Beijing on Hong Kong was a success, Chinese officials have vowed to continue to remake the former British colony stating "there is still plenty of work to be done." ...

China opens new agency in Hong Kong to monitor implementation of national security law - Hindi News | China opens new agency in Hong Kong to monitor implementation of national security law | Latest international News at

International :China opens new agency in Hong Kong to monitor implementation of national security law

The Chinese authorities on Wednesday officially opened the new agency in Hong Kong that will be engaged in monitoring the implementation of the newly enacted law on national security in the special administrative region, media reported. ...

Canada expresses 'serious concern' over China's new security law, warn citizens from travelling to HK - Hindi News | Canada expresses 'serious concern' over China's new security law, warn citizens from travelling to HK | Latest international News at

International :Canada expresses 'serious concern' over China's new security law, warn citizens from travelling to HK

Canada has also joined the international community in expressing "strong concern" over China's new national security legislation in Hong Kong and updated advisory warning citizens from travelling to the special administrative region citing potential ...