Zhuang Bo of Quwo

Zhuang Bo

Zhuang bo, Latest News

Count Zhuang of Quwo, ancestral name Ji, given name Shan, was the second ruler of the state of Quwo during the Spring and Autumn period. He was the son of Huan Shu of Quwo and half-brother of Wuzi of Han.In 724 BC, Count Zhuang of Quwo killed Marquis Xiao of Jin in the capital of Jin, Yi. Then, Jin troops attacked Zhuang Bo of Quwo so he retreated back to Quwo. The son of Marquis Xiao of Jin ascended the throne and became Marquis E of Jin.
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Slowing economy, crippled by Covid lockdowns leave China's jobless youth in lurch - Hindi News | Slowing economy, crippled by Covid lockdowns leave China's jobless youth in lurch | Latest international News at

International :Slowing economy, crippled by Covid lockdowns leave China's jobless youth in lurch

China's slowing economy crippled by COVID-19 lockdowns has left millions of young people fiercely competing for an ever-slimming raft of jobs and facing an increasingly uncertain future. ...