
Allawi, News

Allawi, Latest News

Ayad Allawi is an Iraqi politician. He served as Vice President of Iraq from 2014 to 2015, interim Prime Minister of Iraq from 2004 to 2005 and was the President of the Governing Council of Iraq in 2003.
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Iraq gets new PM as protests enter 5th month - Hindi News | Iraq gets new PM as protests enter 5th month | Latest international News at

International :Iraq gets new PM as protests enter 5th month

Iraqi President Barham Saleh named Mohammed Tawfiq Allawi as the new Prime Minister with the task of addressing the massive popular dissatisfaction behind the four months of anti-government protests that have left nearly 500 people dead. ...

Iraqi president names Mohammed Allawi new PM-designate - Hindi News | Iraqi president names Mohammed Allawi new PM-designate | Latest international News at

International :Iraqi president names Mohammed Allawi new PM-designate

Iraqi President Barham Salih appointed Mohamed Tawfiq Allawi as Prime Minister-designate who will form an interim government, the official Iraqi News Agency reported. ...