
Allen Everett, News

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Infant cardiac surgery associated with adult hypertension risk - Hindi News | Infant cardiac surgery associated with adult hypertension risk | Latest technology News at

Technology :Infant cardiac surgery associated with adult hypertension risk

In a recent research, scientists have discovered that while surgery to congenital heart disease (CHD) within 10 years after birth may restore young hearts to healthy function, it might also be associated with an increased risk of hypertension, high b ...

Lifetime monitoring after infant cardiac surgery may reduce adult hypertension risk: Study - Hindi News | Lifetime monitoring after infant cardiac surgery may reduce adult hypertension risk: Study | Latest health News at

Health :Lifetime monitoring after infant cardiac surgery may reduce adult hypertension risk: Study

A new study found that while surgery to correct congenital heart disease (CHD) within 10 years after birth may restore young hearts to healthy function, it also may be associated with an increased risk of hypertension -- high blood pressure -- within ...