
Ankit Wadhwa, News

Ankit wadhwa, Latest News

First-ever Rario Lanka Premier League NFT Packs set to launch soon - Hindi News | First-ever Rario Lanka Premier League NFT Packs set to launch soon | Latest business News at

Business :First-ever Rario Lanka Premier League NFT Packs set to launch soon

Cricket NFT platform Rario is all set to release its latest NFT packs containing the most epic moments from the first two editions of the Lanka Premier League (LPL). The new packs; named Remember the Titans & Trail Blazers, respectively, will feature ...

Rishabh Pant starts his NFT journey with Rario - Hindi News | Rishabh Pant starts his NFT journey with Rario | Latest business News at

Business :Rishabh Pant starts his NFT journey with Rario

Indian wicketkeeper and Delhi Capitals captain Rishabh Pant bagged yet another lucrative deal as he signed on with cricket NFT platform Rario. ...